Selasa, 07 Desember 2010


hey again blogehh , sooo im back . happy ? ofcourse ! ahhaaahah :D , so today i got math exam . and it was so hard . bahah XD but i could finish it . so the charitas-ers went home at 9.30 . then i talked much with SUCKTI and DK , i was begging to DK so that he wont tell anybody about my secret . BIG THANKS TO DK . then i went home by my self , after that i played PET SOCIETY , god damn it . i felt so bored . no one texts me or replying my wall , or what so ever ! so i decided to sleep ? ehh ? it wasnt work ! gahhh , i didnt know what to do , so i went up stairs and watched : tadaaaaaa
please pay attention to this pict :

yeahh , it was phineas and ferb !
the story was about phineas and ferb discover a machine that can understand animal voice , awesome ! then candace ( their sister ) trying to tell their mother , but when their mom check it , the machine is broken by something ( forget ) , so its over . aahahha , okayy guys now its time or me to study FCH tomorrow , wish me luck :)
good bye , and keep knowing my new post ! hearts and hugs :)

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